18 October 2009

30+1 Things About Me

  1. I sleep a lot, and when I say a lot, I mean A LOT...
  2. ...and, usually, I see the most amazing dreams.
  3. For years, I did not dare take an IQ test, because I was afraid of the results.
  4. I give 100% of myself (to the point of obsession) when I find something worthy or challenging enough, but...
  5. ...I get easily bored.
  6. I never thought it would take me such a long time to get my university degree.
  7. I love it when people tell me their secrets.
  8. I think that hate is the worst feeling - makes you go paranoid.
  9. Big grasshoppers terrify me.
  10. I get passionate in "serious" discussions and I get loud without realizing it.
  11. The longest I've been waiting for a man was 7 months; he never came back.
  12. I am usually late.
  13. I have dyed my hair only once (bright red) but I don't think I'll do it ever again.
  14. I rarely get really angry - thankfully, because when it happens, those who see me, get scared.
  15. I love tomatoes.
  16. Sometimes, I have great ideas but I never write them down and I forget them.
  17. I do not like red wine.
  18. People who accompany me in book bazaars get really bored because I have to see everything.
  19. I prefer reading children's books.
  20. I am the living proof that riding a bike can be forgotten.
  21. I got my driver's license only because I learnt that I could add it to my CV. I haven't driven since.
  22. I want to visit India, Latin America and Iceland.
  23. Not only do I suck at geography...
  24. ...but I also plan my trips without looking on the map.
  25. Purple is my favorite color.
  26. I always pick up the coins I find on the street.
  27. I admit that I like watching Hollywood movies.
  28. I love Hangman but nobody plays with me because I take it too seriously.
  29. I passionately dislike Paulo Coelho.
  30. I have never seen Titanic.
  31. After #15, I had to ask for help in order to finish this note.

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