For no reason at all, apart from my tendency to procrastination, I decided today to write down all the statuses I had posted on Facebook the previous months. Unfortunately, they don't have (yet) a "Show only status" button and I had to search my entire wall, pressing repeatedly "Older posts". It is a pity I couldn't go back more than March, because I discovered a new, interesting and original approach of seeing my life.
Till February 2009: I remember I was taking all kinds of stupid tests, who always gave me stupid results and I had to remove them afterwards one by one. Why would anyone make public that in their previous life they were blood-sucking mosquitoes or that their "Heroes" alter ego is Ando - no superpowers but, still, good sidekick? I also found all my lost classmates (though I am sure that if we ever meet in person, we won't even say "hi") and I played some games, which I got bored of soon.
March 2009 - June 2009: My Facebook activities consist of finding and being found by friends, tagging and being tagged in photos, joining groups, writing on friends' walls. Nothing special - all that Facebook has to offer has not been revealed to me yet.

July 2009: Sadness and disappointment. Status 1: Tired / Status 2: Sophia is a SuperGirl and SuperGirls don't cry / Status 3: Je ne veux pas travailler, je ne veux pas dejeuner, je veux seulement l'oublier et puis je fume. That month also appears the one and only test I publish and do not remove ("What work of literature you are?"), only because I am my all-time favorite "One Hundred Years of Solitude". Here it goes: Anything is possible, right? I mean ANYTHING! Hell, you might sprout wings and fly away or you might live to see seven generations of your own family carry your name, only to be wiped away in one fell swoop. You might conquer foreign lands, travel through time, see a ghost, be a ghost... it doesn't matter. If you can dream it, you can make it reality.
August 2009: Facebook's belief in me and my superpowers subconsciously influences me and a wind of change blows. My statuses spread waves of curiosity to my 340 friends. Status 1: Sophia is thinking of taking that big, huge, enormous step / Status 2: omg! / Status 3: Sophia will take that big, huge, enormous step. My social life also improves and photos proving my participation in several events are daily added. Moreover, I fill my Notes with poems I like. I also discover the "Like" button and press it like a maniac. What Facebook does not reveal is that, amid organizing my future, socializing, reading poetry and keeping my virtual company posted, I also find time to work.
September 2009: End of August, the Fortune Cookie advises me to "look for new outlets for my own creative abilities", so I abandon literature, I empty my LivingSocial bookshelf and, with some help from YouTube, I start posting songs I like. Facebook predicts that I will get married 3 Oct 2010, provoking feelings of disappointment to my sister who manages to hide her bitterness after taking revenge by tagging me as "political guru" and "phone bill: $647.39". Moreover, my friend connections reach a higher level and now we play with statuses and comments. Status 1: Η Βάσια δεν θυμάται πού έχει παρκάρει, αλλά εγώ που θα κοιμηθώ μόνη μου τι φταίω????????? / Status 2: Tomorrow at last ! (+ inspiring "At last or at lust?" comment) / Status 3: Sophia has no fucking idea.

October 2009: Status 1: Sophia n'a pas peur de la route, tout ira bien :) / Status 2: Sophia arrived in Bratislava / Status 3: Αύριο είναι η μέρα που ξεκινάει αφού κοιμηθείς και ξυπνήσεις / Status 4: Αυτό θα πει ολοκλήρωση! Επιτέλους απέκτησα νούμερο τηλ που ξεκινάει από 090 :p / Status 5: Μάνα (που έρχεται αύριο με το αεροπλάνο): Να φέρω κουραμπιέδες? Αδερφή: Όχι, θα τους περάσουν για άνθρακα. This month, it's my Facebook moment of glory, as I get quoted (status 3, followed by another quotation, in comment form this time: Ο βραδινός ύπνος είναι αυτός που πέφτεις και κλείνεις κεφάλαιο).
That's how it goes till now, more or less. I feel I have a long way ahead still, as I do not know yet what "poke" is, nor can I compete with some of my friends who have groups dedicated to them! However, for the time being, I am totally absorbed in my status frenzy. And, moments before posting it, I announce you what my next status will be:
Twitter, anyone?
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